This July the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo,
one of the cruelest rodeos in the world, will once again brutalize, maim and kill animals in the name of mindless "entertainment".
All the graphic images shown on this blog were documented by SHARK investigators at the Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) Rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyoming, 2005. The pictures and videotape tell the truth as many animals are injured, abused, and even killed.
Sponsors and entertainers for CFD should be ashamed to support such abuse!!
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO documentation of the horrific practices inherent in every rodeo.

( Injuries at the Frontier Days Rodeo are common. )

( The WTE article exposes the repeated violations of the rodeo's rules, such as the shocking of horses with a Hot-Shot as seen above picture. )
Steer Roping

The Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeo includes an event called single steer roping (also known as steer busting or steer tripping). Steer busting is so brutal ( picture above ) and cripples and kills so many animals that it is allowed in only a handful of western states.
A steer is impossibly contorted during an event that used to be called "steer tripping" or "steer busting." It is the most cruel and dangerous event in rodeo. The name of the event has now been changed to the more benign-sounding "steer roping." The name may be changed, but the abuse remains the same. See more steer busting at CFD.
Calf Roping - Abusing baby animals!

This event used to be called calf roping, because that's what it is. Three to four month-old calves are clotheslined, body slammed and tied for points. The calves are considered expendable. In an effort to mask the true nature of this disgusting activity, rodeo people have now changed the name of the event to "tie-down roping." The name has changed, but the cruelty of the abusers is the same.
- The images that SHARK captures are virtually impossible to erase from one’s mind, but are truly impossible to erase from the lives of these animals, and indeed all the animals to come, as long as corporations support rodeo.
-That's the rodeo world for you: abuse animals, repeatedly break the rules, reap awards. The PRCA does a fine job of exposing their corruption all by themselves.-
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in english plz... tq!
Did anyone Notice, that more than half of this viedo is NOT CFD.
The video shows the horrific inherent in every rodeo in the world! Not in CFD only.
I love travelling to the USA (I am from Holland) But with tears in my eyes I watched the horror films about the animal abuse during rodeo in Cheyenne.
This is a reason for me definitely NOT to visit this part of the USA.
How is it possible such cruelty is still happening, and people are actually enjoying watching this terrible event? I can not find the words to describe my anger and it makes me feel sick.
All people taking part of this rodeo events: (and people who enjoy watching it) YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! You deserve exact the same treatment as these poor animals get, even worse. You really make me feel sick. These animals are not able to fight, not able to speak. They were born innocent and what did they do to deserve such a life.
What can we do to stop this horror scene?
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