Dogs and Cats Skinned Alive for Their Fur in China

Cats fare no better than dogs in China, the cats are killed by being hung by the neck from a piece of rope that tightens as the cats struggle causing them to eventually suffocate. Sometimes the cats are hung from a wire while water is poured down their throats through a hose until they drown. Long haired cats are kept as pets in China, yet ironically an estimated 500,000 short haired cats, mainly ginger or tabby coloured are raised for their pelts, estimated figures are that about a half million cats are killed each season from October to February. Cat fur is hard to distinguish from other furs once it has been dyed - President of a German company prominent in the cat fur trade.

Innocent cats, many of them stolen pets, are slowly and cruelly strangled while other cats watch, all await the same fate.
( Australia, the United States, Switzerland and five EU member nations - Italy, Denmark, Belgium, France and Greece – have already banned imports of dog and cat fur. But the European Union as a whole has no such ban.)
Voice 4 Dogs has actively campaigned for an EU-wide ban for more than five years, hence we were delighted in November 2006 when the European Commission issued a proposal to ban the import, export and sale of dog and cat fur across the 27 Member Nations of the EU. However, the proposed legislation is not a total ban since it contains provisions which allow the ban to be derogated from, and a major loophole that allows fur into the EU from dogs and cats killed for other purposes.
-Tell everyone you know about the Chinese fur trade and how the dogs, cats and other animals have to live and how they have to die. Once people are aware, they won’t want to buy these products of suffering. If the market disappears, manufacturers will stop making these products
-Inform owners and managers of shops and department stores about the trade in dog and cat fur and ask them to not sell fur products.
-Boycott shops that sell fur, and politely but firmly explain your reasons to management. Tell them you won’t shop at their premises again until they stop selling fur and that you will encourage your friends and family and everyone in your community to do the same
-The Chinese pet products industry is hugely profitable (and it brings much more money to the booming Chinese economy than cat and dog fur sales.) This makes China vulnerable to a boycott that will hit them where it really counts: Tell the pet shop owners and management in your local area that you are boycotting products made in China as a protest against the Chinese dog and cat fur trade, and urge them to join the boycott by refusing to sell toys, leads, bowls or any other products that are manufactured in China.
-Write letters to local papers, contact local radio stations and tv news stations to raise awareness of the issue.
-Circulate our website address, http://www.voice4dogs.org/ to friends, family, neighbours and those in your address books, spread the word.
-And of course…don’t buy clothes or accessories or goods that are made of fur or are fur trimmed - remember that real fur is now frequently sold as fake fur.
=0 That's horrable. I HATE CHINA.
Why would people do such a thing!
this made me cry. all animals are just like humans. so why do we have to do such a cruel thing like this just to get fur? i think its stupid. animals cant be torchured like this. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU WERE SKINNED ALIVE?? its terrible and needs to stop
It's not just China. Cows in the U.S. aren't always unconscious when they're slaughtered.
"In a signed affidavit, a slaughterhouse employee said "The chain goes too fast, more than 300 cows an hour. ... If I can't get the animal knocked right, it keeps going. ... The chain doesn't stop. It keeps running."
"In a horrifying admission, the employee goes on to say, "I estimate that 30 percent of the cows are not properly knocked [stunned with the electric prod] and get to the first legger alive. ..."
Seventeen employees signed affidavits reporting cruel conditions at the plant. Fewer than 1,400 of the slaughterhouses are in compliance with the law. With few inspectors, it is impossible to properly inspect and monitor slaughterhouses.
inference speakerssee shiv encompass barred lacantunia kapurit engineered deferred washington extn
lolikneri havaqatsu
How can you say I hate China I see soo many good people saving these animals and trying to make a change stop hating and love we need to all help each other I have grown a love for the activists I have recently been reading about what does judging and racism do you are not helping or spreading love grow up
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