On Sundays or fiesta days in the Philippines the so called "sport" of Horse Fighting is illiegally conducted. Two stallions are pitted against each other and results in horrific injuries and deaths and often last for hours.
Some stallions are hit so hard in the head their eyes are popped from their sockets. If death doesnt result from the kicks and bites and gruesome injuries, then the horses are inhumanely slaughtered and barbecued and fed to the crowd. Others limp around in the arena with a glazed look in their eyes or break limbs as they try to escape from the bloody arena.
These stallions fight due a mare on heat which is used as bait in the arena for up to six hours - often she is hit by stray blows from the stallions and has to suffer being mated by the winning stallion of each bout - up to 30 times in one tournament. The more blood shed, the louder the crowd during these fights.
Although horse-fighting is illegal in the Philippines, corruption and lack of enforcement ensure that the tournaments continue - and with apparent official sanction.Matches are featured on TV, and local businesses sponsor horses and tournaments. Local authorities offer prize money.The tournaments are promoted as a "cultural tradition", but in fact they are largely organised and controlled by crime syndicates, who rake in huge profits from gambling.
By signing this petition you are urging the Government of the Philippines to uphold its own Laws and ban this barbaric "traditional" sport.
The petition :
We, the undersigned, call on the Government of the Philippines to uphold Animal Welfare Legislation and bring the cruel and barbaric sport of horse fighting and the inhumane slaughter of horses to an end.
The Undersigned may also consider boycotting travel to the Philippines while Horse Fighting in this country continues.
The Undersigned may also consider boycotting travel to the Philippines while Horse Fighting in this country continues.
See the video: